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At Mader Shannon we define value in portfolio management as the attainment of yield and growth objectives while minimizing risk, transaction costs, and taxes. Our active portfolio management approach aims to safeguard clients from significant downturns caused by overvalued market collapses, while enabling them to fully capitalize on the historical growth in value and income offered by equity markets.

Active Money Management

Historical evidence reveals that while stock prices exhibit short-term fluctuations, market averages demonstrate long-term trends based on intrinsic value. Understanding the market's state in relation to persistent overvaluation or undervaluation is key to implementing an effective active management investment strategy.

Active money management aims to mitigate risk during overvalued bull markets and seize opportunities during undervalued bear markets, enabling clients to fully participate in the long-term capital growth historically provided by the markets.

Active portfolio management aligns with the principles of long-term investing. Many of our clients, reliant on portfolio income and growth, are indeed long-term investors.

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