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You Are Our Highest Priority

At Mader Shannon Wealth Management, we’ve created a holistic approach to wealth management.  Our team believes in providing high-quality financial products and services to enhance client’s economic health.  This encompasses various services like financial planning, portfolio management, budgeting, insurance, tax, retirement, and estate planning. We prioritize clients’ best interests and provide comprehensive advice.  Our commitment to excellence includes tailoring our services to each client’s objectives and risk tolerance, ensuring objective advice, reasonable expectations, and education on financial solutions. 


Personalized Service 

Wealth management should not be one size fits all. We believe in working to identify each client’s unique needs, preferences, and financial goals. Our personalized communication and customized client experience ensure that our team can meet you where you are on your financial journey and provide you with the tools and advice needed to reach your next milestone. 

Individualized Planning 

Our team works with each client to identify their goals and priorities for their financial future. We will then work with you to create an achievable plan that does not compromise what is most important to you. Most importantly, your plan will focus on your needs and wants.  

Active Portfolio Management 

We firmly believe in the power of an effectively implemented active management strategy. Our approach aims to deliver reliable upside participation while providing strong downside protection. By mitigating the volatile swings in the market, we seek to offer our clients a sustainable long-term rate of return, coupled with peace of mind. 

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