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Education Savings Vehicles

Save early, save often and understand the alphabet soup of options. The cost of a college education increases every year, largely unbeknownst to you until you receive the bill. The pile of money you must save is staggering. If you have children, plan for college costs as soon as possible.

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The Strong Dollar: What Travelers Need to Know

Vacation travelers, get ready for some exciting news! If you're planning a trip abroad, this year might be one of the best times to do so. The U.S. dollar is experiencing a remarkable surge, strengthening against nearly every major currency around the world. This development could mean more bang for your buck when you travel. Let's delve into what this strong dollar trend means for your next vacation and how you can make the most of it.

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Maximizing Your Savings: Essential Tax Tips That Could Keep More Money in Your Pocket

As the tax season commences, individuals and businesses alike are eager to find ways to minimize their tax liability and keep more money in their pockets. Understanding the intricacies of the tax code can be overwhelming, but with a strategic approach, you can identify opportunities to save money. In this blog post, we'll explore some valuable tax tips that could potentially save you money and ensure you're making the most of available deductions and credits.

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Navigating Year-End Tax Planning: Key Topics to Discuss with Your Advisor

As the year draws to a close, it's not just a time for holiday festivities but also a crucial period for strategic financial planning. One area that deserves special attention is year-end tax planning. Consulting with a financial advisor can help you make informed decisions and optimize your tax situation. In this post, we'll explore essential end-of-year tax planning topics to discuss with your advisor.

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