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New Year's Financial Checklist

  1. Create a budget. Track where your money goes to start saving.
  2. Take Control of debt. Kickstart your savings plan by paying down debt.
  3. Review your retirement plan contributions. By saving earlier, you'll increase your potential retirement nest egg.
  4. Make catch-up contributions. If you are age 50 or older, contribute above the regular limit if possible.
  5. Rebalance plan investments. Align your portfolio with your risk tolerance and objectives.
  6. Create a will. Ensure that your personal belongings, assets, and investments go to your beneficiaries.
  7. Build an emergency fund. Hedge against unemployment or unanticipated expenses- save six to 12 months of living expenses.
  8. Check your credit report. Review your credit report to check for fraud and accuracy at annualcreditreport.com.
  9. Review insurance coverage. Make sure you're ready for the unexpected by checking your insurance coverages.
  10. Enroll in automatic bill payment. Avoid missed payments, late fees, and dings on your credit score.

"New Year's Financial Checklist." Bamboo. 2018.

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